Red Doberman: The Good And The Bad (2024)

We all already know the people don’t even know that there are many different colors of Doberman. One of them being the red Doberman. If you were lucky enough to ever see a red Doberman yourself, you know how absolutely stunning these dogs are. This is one of the rarest Doberman colors. So why not dedicate a whole article just for them?


History of the Doberman

The first Doberman belonged to a German man named Friedrich Louis Dobermann. He is the founder and namesake of the later Dobermann breed. He lived in the small town of Apolda in Thuringia from 1834 to 1894. For his personal protection at work, Mr. Dobermann was looking for a fierce and sharp dog. It is unclear exactly which profession Doberman practice. But many people believe he was a tax collector, night watchman, or even police officer.

What is certain, on the other hand, is that Dobermann also worked as an urban dog catcher, which gave him the right to capture and kill stray dogs – unless an owner could be located. However, Dobermann spared particularly vigilant and sharp dogs and mated them for breeding. He crossed his favorite dog named Schnuppe, a gray crossbreed from the dog population around Apolda, with a butcher dog. Butcher dogs were a kind of forerunner of the Rottweiler, mixed with a kind of German shepherd dog that occurred in Thuringia with a black coat color with rust-red badges.

After the death of Friedrich Dobermann, Otto Göller, who also comes from Apolda, took over some dogs from his stock and crossed them with other dog breeds and hybrids. The following dog breeds probably contributed to the Doberman’s appearance known today: Rottweiler, German Shepherd, German Pinscher and Greyhounds.

Red Doberman Appearance

The reason why Dobermans are perceived as guard dogs at first glance despite their peaceful nature is mainly due to their intimidating appearance. These strong and muscular dogs look almost noble due to the elegant lines of their body, their proud posture, and determined expression. Many fans of this breed believe that they embody the ideal canine.

The sleek and threatening appearance was reinforced earlier by cropping the ears. At first, cropping was not practiced on the basis of appearances, but rather to support the guarding and protection tasks. Fortunately, for animal welfare reasons, cropping of the ears was prohibited in the 80s and 90s. Even though many former Doberman fans rejected the cropping ban and some protesting breeders even gave up their breeding, the Doberman also won many new followers with the charming new floppy ears.

While talking about the red Doberman we have to note that the fur color has no influence on the dog’s nature. The personality of your Doberman puppy won’t depend on his coat, but on the way, you train and socialize him.


The red Doberman obviously has a red-colored coat. This rusty red color gives them an especially elegant-looking appearance. They have short, smooth, and shiny coats. If you are looking for a low-maintenance breed, you will be happy to hear that they require little grooming. Their glistening coat is covered in rust markingsand this Doberman color is one of the rarest colors in the standard Doberman.

The red Doby obviously isn’t a bright red, it’s more of a light brown color with a hint of copper in it. This is why many people call this dog the rust Doberman. This isn’t an acceptable color according to the AKC, so if you want your dog to take part in dog shows, choose a standard tan coloration or the most well-known black dogs.

The black coat gene is a dominant gene, and this is the most popular Doberman color. The pure black Doby is most commonly seen in the show ring, and many famous Dobermans were black as well. It is a popular belief that these dogs are healthier, because of their dominant gene and lack of dilution in their coat colors.

However, the rust Doberman isn’t linked to any genetic disorders, even though he doesn’t have the common black dominant gene. But the ones that are proven to be more prone to health issues are the partial albino, fawn color, or blue dog. That’s why you shouldn’t pick your dog based on your favorite color, because as beautiful as these

Males stand 26 to 28 inches tall, while females stand 24 to 26 inches tall. Males and females weigh 60 to 80 pounds, with males being slightly larger than bitches.


The Doberman is courageous, confident, and highly intelligent. That makes them ideal as working dogs with the police or the military. As we already said, the personality of your red Doberman doesn’t depend on the red color of his coat.

Many believe that these giant dogs are prone to aggressive behavior, however, that is just not the case. Unscrupulous breeders who don’t have a dog’s best interest in mind may train them to be that way, this vigilant breed is a softy at heart.

As intimidating as they look, all Dobermans are deep down calm and sweet beings. With their family, these dogs are extremely loyal, affectionate, and child-loving. A well-behaved and socialized Doberman will never attack or bite anyone for no reason. Dobermans need an experienced and safe pack leader who clearly shows him where to go. A Doberman is the reflection of his owner. A confident and calm owner will also have a confident and obedient dog by his side.

Training & Care of the Red Doberman

Dobermans are a working breed, which means they need to have a task to be at their best. In addition to that, they also need a lot of exercise — not just two to three 30 minutes walks through the dog park. Therefore, Dobermans will be a good fit for an owner that loves to be active too.

Make sure that your Red Doberman lives a life full of various activities with a lot of exercise, training and attention. Getting a dog of that size and intelligence level isn’t for people who have a busy schedule and barely any time left in their day.
Dobermans can’t stay alone for a long period of time. When bored, Dobermans tend to get anxious and restless.

Training, such as agility, obedience or dog dancing, are also very important. In addition to that, Dobermans also need early socialization. At best, right from puppy age.

Grooming the Red Doberman

The Red Doberman is incredibly easy to groom. These are low-maintenance dogs, at least when it comes to grooming. They have naturally short coats and shed very little. However, their coat does require weekly brushing with a bristle brush. When it comes to bathing, you will only have to bathe him every couple of months.

However, their nails do grow fast, so you will have to be trim them regularly. And don’t forget to clean their ears and brush their teeth in addition to that too. There are many different dental problems that dogs could develop, and most of them are preventable by simply taking good care of your dog’s oral hygiene.

These dogs are a rare sight, and if you take good care of your dog on the outside, as well as on the inside, he is guaranteed to be getting plenty of compliments at every dog park.

Health issues

The life expectancy of a Doberman is from 10 to 13 years. While being generally healthy, Dobermans are prone to certain health conditions. Most commonly Wobbler syndrome, Von Willebrand’s disease, hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, skin allergies, and albinism.

However, many of these conditions can be prevented with regular exercise and a balanced and healthy diet. Unlike blue Dobes or fawn Dobermans, these dogs aren’t linked to many genetic disorders. They are generally healthier and have a better immunity than the blue or fawn variety.

While you’re here, why not learn about other dog breeds as well:

  • Bernedoodle puppies: Five facts to know!
  • Schnoodle puppies: The cutest hybrid breed ever
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  • Pitbull Beagle Mix: A very unusual hybrid dog
  • Pitbull Dachshund Mix: Complete Guide

Author: Katy Baker

My name is Katy and I am 27. I love to travel and you would be surprised how good I am at karaoke. 🙂 Passionate dog lover and a "mother" to a beautiful toy puddle named Zara. I work as a volunteer in a local shelter and I am a veterinary assistant helping our four-legged friends every day.

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Red Doberman: The Good And The Bad (2024)
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