Animals That Start With F - Full List, Images and Facts (2024)

Welcome to animals that start with F.

How many animals can you name that start with F? If you can’t get up to twenty animals, then you’re in the right place.

Animals That Start With F - Full List, Images and Facts (1)

Here, we have listed animals that start with F for your consumption. Let’s get to them.

Table of Contents

Overview of animals that start with F

1. Fallow Deer

2. False Widow Spiders

3. Fangtooth Fish

4. Fennec Fox

5. Ferret

6. Fiddler Crab

7. Fin whale

8. Fire Salamander

9. Fire-bellied toad

10. Firefly

11. Fisher Cat

12. Flamingo

13. Flea

14. Florida Gar

15. Flounder

16. Flying Fish

17. Freshwater Crocodile

19. Frogfish

20. Fruit Fly

Full List of Animals That Start With F

Summary of animals that start with F

Overview of animals that start with F

1. Fallow Deer

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Scientific NameDama dama
HabitatOriginally from Europe, now found worldwide
DietHerbivorous, feeds on grasses, leaves, and crops
SizeMedium-sized, males weigh 60-150 kg (130-330 lbs)
Physical FeaturesVariable coat color, often spotted; males have broad antlers
BehaviorForm small herds, males establish territories during mating
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fallow Deer are native to Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. However, they have been introduced as game animals to many other parts of the world.

Fallow deers are reared not just for their meat but also for the velvet on male antlers. It is said to have medicinal properties.

Fun Fact: Fallow deers have spots even when fully grown.

2. False Widow Spiders

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Scientific NameSteatoda spp.
HabitatFound in urban and suburban areas, often near human dwellings
DietCarnivorous; preys on insects such as flies, ants, and beetles
SizeTypically ranges from 6 to 12 millimeters in body length
Physical FeaturesDark brown or black in color with a bulbous abdomen and distinct markings resembling a widow
VenomContains venom, though bites are usually not serious and rarely require medical attention
Conservation StatusNot assessed

False Widow Spiders are usually mistaken for Black Widows, hence the name. But they are pretty harmless. These spiders originated from the Canary Islands and Madeira but have found their way worldwide.

Fun Fact: False Widow Spiders might benefit humans, as they eat household pests.

3. Fangtooth Fish

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Scientific NameAnoplogaster cornuta
HabitatDeep ocean waters, depths of 200 to 2,000 meters (660 to 6,560 feet)
DietCarnivorous; feeds on small fish, squid, and crustaceans
SizeTypically 15 to 16 centimeters (6 to 6.3 inches) in length
Physical FeaturesDeep-sea fish with large, sharp teeth and compressed body
AdaptationsLarge eyes and sensitive lateral line system for hunting in darkness
Conservation StatusNot assessed due to its deep-sea habitat and limited human interaction

Fangtooth Fish aren’t winning any beauty contests anytime soon. It has a grotesque look and oversized teeth. But those features are what enable it to survive in the deep twilight zone.

These vicious fish are only about six inches long.

Fun Fact: Fangtooth Fish’s lower Jaws are so large that it had to evolve special sockets to accommodate them.

4. Fennec Fox

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Scientific NameVulpes zerda
HabitatArid desert regions of North Africa, including Sahara
DietOmnivorous, eats insects, small mammals, and plants
SizeSmall, weighs 1.5 to 3.5 pounds (0.68 to 1.58 kg)
Physical FeaturesLarge ears, sandy-colored fur, adapted for desert life
BehaviorNocturnal, skilled diggers and hunters
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, but faces threats from habitat loss and illegal pet trade

Fennec Foxes make their home in the deserts of Northern Africa. They have huge ears that help them regulate heat and also detect prey.

Thanks to these ears and their small size, Fennec foxes make cute pets.

Fun Fact: Fennec foxes are the smallest species of fox in the world.

5. Ferret

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Scientific NameMustela putorius furo
HabitatDomesticated; often kept as pets in homes
DietCarnivorous, primarily fed on meat-based diets
SizeSmall to medium-sized, typically weighing between 0.5 to 2.5 kilograms (1 to 5.5 pounds)
Physical FeaturesSlender bodies, fur coats in various colors, typically with masks or markings on their faces
BehaviorEnergetic, playful, and curious; enjoy interacting with people and exploring their surroundings
LifespanGenerally live between 5 to 10 years in captivity

Ferrets are carnivorous animals with long, slender bodies and short legs. These animals have been used for hunting rodents like mice and rats for centuries.

Humans can train ferrets to do tricks, and as such, they make good pets.

Fun Fact: Ferrets have a very high heart rate of 200 to 250 beats per minute.

6. Fiddler Crab

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Scientific NameGenus Uca
HabitatCoastal regions, sandy or muddy shores, mangroves, estuaries
DietOmnivorous, eats algae, detritus, small invertebrates
SizeSmall to medium-sized, males have one enlarged claw
Physical FeaturesProminent claw in males, used for communication and mating
BehaviorDiurnal, active during low tide; males perform courtship displays
Conservation StatusNot assessed, may face threats from habitat loss and pollution

Fiddler crabs are a species that can live both in the sea and on land. Their habitats may include saltwater bodies or estuaries.

Their name comes from the males’ fiddling motion while counting a mate. One noticeable feature of the males is the enlarged claw.

Fun Fact: Female Fiddler crabs pick a mate based on the size of the enlarged claw and the male’s fiddling display.

7. Fin whale

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Scientific NameBalaenoptera physalus
HabitatOceans worldwide, temperate and polar waters
DietCarnivorous, feeds on small fish and krill
SizeSecond-largest whale, up to 24 meters (79 feet) in length
Physical FeaturesStreamlined body, tall dorsal fin, asymmetrical coloration
BehaviorHighly migratory, long-distance migrations between feeding and breeding grounds
Conservation StatusEndangered, threatened by commercial whaling and human activities

Fin whales are some of the largest animals on earth. However, their size doesn’t hinder them, as they can maintain 25 miles per hour speeds.

Despite their size, Fin whales don’t eat other animals. Instead, they are filter feeders.

Fun Fact: Fin whales can be found in many oceans of the world because they migrate all year round.

8. Fire Salamander

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Scientific NameSalamandra salamandra
HabitatDeciduous forests, wooded areas, near water sources
DietCarnivorous, feeds on insects, spiders, worms, and small vertebrates
SizeMedium-sized salamander, typically 15 to 30 centimeters (6 to 12 inches) in length
Physical FeaturesBlack body with vibrant yellow or orange markings, often in a striking pattern
BehaviorNocturnal, prefers damp environments, often found under rocks or logs
Conservation StatusNear Threatened, facing habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as pollution and climate change

Fire Salamanders were once thought to be born from fire, and that’s where the name comes from. Their bright colors are indicative of the poison in their skin.

Thanks to their bright colors and large size, Fire Salamanders are usually kept as pets.

Fun Fact: Fire Salamanders give birth to their young alive.

9. Fire-bellied toad

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Scientific NameBombina spp.
HabitatPonds, marshes, wetlands in East Asia and Europe
DietCarnivorous, eats insects, invertebrates, tadpoles
SizeSmall, 3 to 5 centimeters (1.2 to 2 inches) in length
Physical FeaturesGreen or black body with orange or red belly markings
BehaviorSemi-aquatic, displays warning coloration
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, stable populations

Fire-bellied toad are found in parts of China, North and South Korea, and Russia. These tiny amphibians can live for 12-15 years in the wild.

The poison on their skin deters predators while they eat insects, snails, and plant materials.

Fun Fact: Fire-bellied Toads catch prey with their mouths instead of a sticky tongue.

10. Firefly

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Scientific NameLampyridae family
HabitatVarious, grasslands, forests, wetlands
DietLarvae are predatory; adults consume nectar and pollen
SizeSmall to medium-sized, 5 to 25 millimeters (0.2 to 1 inch)
Physical FeaturesBlack or brown bodies with glowing bioluminescent abdomens
BehaviorNocturnal, use bioluminescence for communication and mating
Conservation StatusVaries; some threatened by habitat loss and light pollution

Fireflies are truly just magical little creatures. Anyone that has watched a single Disney princess movie knows about fireflies. Yes, they do produce light from their bodies. And they do other things than fly around couples during romantic moments.

Fun Fact: Firefly bioluminescence is very effective, as nearly 96% of the reaction’s energy is turned to light.

11. Fisher Cat

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Scientific NamePekania pennanti
HabitatForested areas of North America, including mixed and coniferous forests
DietCarnivorous, preys on small mammals like squirrels, rabbits, and mice
SizeMedium-sized carnivore, typically weighing between 2 to 6 kilograms (4.4 to 13.2 pounds)
Physical FeaturesDark brown fur with a long, bushy tail; known for its sleek appearance and agile movements
BehaviorSolitary and territorial, active both day and night, with excellent climbing and swimming abilities
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, with stable populations across its range

Fisher Cat neither eats fish nor is a cat. Instead, it’s called that because of its resemblance to the European polecat.

Fun Fact: This is one of the few animals that can prey on porcupines successfully.

12. Flamingo

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Scientific NamePhoenicopteridae family
HabitatVarious wetlands, lakes, lagoons
DietFilter feeders, eat algae, small crustaceans
SizeLarge wading birds, 80 to 145 cm (31 to 57 in) in height
Physical FeaturesPink plumage, long necks and legs, curved bills
BehaviorSocial birds, often in large flocks
Conservation StatusVaries, some are Near Threatened due to habitat loss and pollution

Flamigos are beautiful water birds have pink feathers and long spindly legs. They have webbed feet that enable them to move across water bodies.

Fun Fact: When Flamingos sleep, they balance on a single leg.

13. Flea

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Scientific NameSiphonaptera order
HabitatParasitic, found on mammals and birds
DietBlood-feeding ectoparasites, primarily feed on host blood
SizeVery small, typically 1 to 4 millimeters in length
Physical FeaturesWingless insects with flattened bodies and strong hind legs
BehaviorJumping ability, adapted for rapid movement between hosts
Health ImpactCan transmit diseases such as bubonic plague and typhus
Control MeasuresRegular pet grooming, vacuuming, and use of flea preventatives

Fleas are notorious pests and Pet owners probably see these insects in their nightmares. These pests transmit a lot of diseases with their bites.

Fun Fact: Fleas can jump nearly seven inches high.

14. Florida Gar

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Scientific NameLepisosteus platyrhincus
HabitatFreshwater habitats, including lakes, rivers, and swamps
DietCarnivorous, feeding on fish, crustaceans, and small vertebrates
SizeLarge, typically reaching lengths of 60 to 120 centimeters (2 to 4 feet)
Physical FeaturesElongated, torpedo-shaped body with a long snout and sharp teeth
BehaviorSolitary and territorial, often found lurking in submerged vegetation or near structure
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, with stable populations throughout its range

Florida Gar, as the name suggests, are usually found in Florida. It has a long narrow body and sharp teeth. It also has gulls that can double as lungs to help it breathe air.

Fun Fact: The Florida Gar survives the dry season by burrowing into the sediments and slowing its metabolism.

15. Flounder

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Scientific NamePleuronectidae family
HabitatCoastal regions, sandy or muddy seabeds
DietCarnivorous, eats small fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates
SizeMedium-sized, 25 to 75 centimeters (10 to 30 inches)
Physical FeaturesFlat bodies, both eyes on one side, brown or mottled coloration
BehaviorBottom-dwellers, ambush predators
Commercial ValueImportant for commercial fishing, prized for taste and texture
Conservation StatusVaries, some face overfishing pressure

Flounder fish are popular bottom-dwelling fish that captures prey by ambushing. These fishes are a famous cuisine, and as such, are in danger of reducing population.

Fun Fact: Some Flounders can even change colors to better blend into their surroundings.

16. Flying Fish

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Scientific NameExocoetidae family
HabitatTropical and subtropical oceans, particularly near the surface
DietCarnivorous, feeds on plankton and small fish
SizeSmall to medium-sized, typically ranging from 15 to 45 centimeters (6 to 18 inches)
Physical FeaturesStreamlined bodies with enlarged pectoral fins, allowing for gliding above the water’s surface
BehaviorExcellent swimmers and agile fliers, using their fins to glide above the water to escape predators
Commercial ValueNot typically targeted by commercial fisheries
Conservation StatusVaries, some species may face threats from habitat degradation and overfishing

Flying fish actually fly! The pectoral fins of these fishes are modified to serve as wings. They enable them to leap out of the water and glide. This helps them escape predators.

Fun Fact: Flying fish can glide for more than 650 feet.

17. Freshwater Crocodile

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Scientific NameCrocodylus johnsoni
HabitatFreshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and swamps in northern Australia
DietCarnivorous, preys on fish, crustaceans, and small mammals
SizeMedium-sized crocodile, typically reaching lengths of 2 to 3 meters (6.6 to 9.8 feet)
Physical FeaturesLong, streamlined bodies with armored skin and powerful jaws
BehaviorMostly nocturnal, basking in the sun during the day; shy and generally avoid human interaction
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, with stable populations in their native range

Freshwater crocodiles are not a danger to humans. That might be a shock, but saltwater crocodiles are the dangerous ones.

Fun Fact: Sexual maturity in freshwater crocodiles is achieved once they reach 4.9 feet long.

18. Frilled Lizard

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Scientific NameChlamydosaurus kingii
HabitatWoodlands, tropical forests of northern Australia
DietInsectivorous, eats insects, small vertebrates
SizeMedium-sized, 70 to 90 centimeters (28 to 35 inches)
Physical FeaturesDistinctive frill around neck, brown or gray with spots
BehaviorArboreal and terrestrial, known for defensive frill display
Conservation StatusLeast Concern, stable populations in native habitat

Frilled Lizards definately look scary. Thanks to the frill around its neck, which it raises when threatened. But there’s no need to worry, as it isn’t poisonous.

Fun Fact: Frilled lizards are usually kept as exotic pets, but they’d need a lot of care.

19. Frogfish

Animals That Start With F - Full List, Images and Facts (20)
Scientific NameVarious species within the Antennariidae family
HabitatTropical and subtropical oceans, typically found near coral reefs and rocky bottoms
DietCarnivorous, ambush predators that feed on small fish and crustaceans
SizeSmall to medium-sized, ranging from 2 to 38 centimeters (0.8 to 15 inches) in length
Physical FeaturesCamouflaged appearance with fleshy, lumpy bodies and unique appendages resembling lures
BehaviorSedentary and well-camouflaged, they use their lure to attract prey within striking range
Conservation StatusNot assessed for all species, but some may be impacted by habitat degradation and pollution

Frogfishes are scaleless and are found in the deeper parts of the ocean. They stay motionless and use lures to draw in prey, then strike in milliseconds.

Fun Fact: Frogfishes don’t swim. Instead, they propel themselves with water from openings in their gills.

20. Fruit Fly

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Scientific NameDrosophila melanogaster
HabitatUbiquitous, found worldwide wherever suitable food sources are available
DietOmnivorous, feeding on decaying fruits and other organic matter
SizeSmall, typically 2 to 4 millimeters (0.08 to 0.16 inches) in length
LifespanShort-lived, typically living for around 30 days
ReproductionRapid breeding cycle, laying eggs on fermenting fruit and other organic materials
Research SignificanceWidely used in genetic and biological research due to their short lifespan and easily manipulable genome

Fruitflies can usually be found around decomposing fruit, meat, and organic materials. They typically live for about 25-50 days.

Fun Fact: Fruit flies can beat their wings up to 250 times in a second.

Full List of Animals That Start With F

imal NameDescriptionFun Fact
Fallow DeerNative to Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa; reared for meat and antlers.They have spots even when fully grown.
False Widow SpidersOriginated from Canary Islands and Madeira; harmless spiders.They might benefit humans by eating household pests.
Fangtooth FishDeep-sea fish with a grotesque look and oversized teeth.Lower jaws are so large that they evolved special sockets for them.
Fennec FoxSmall foxes from the deserts of Northern Africa with huge ears.They are the smallest species of fox in the world.
FerretCarnivorous animals with long bodies and short legs, used for hunting.Have a high heart rate of 200 to 250 beats per minute.
Fiddler CrabCan live in sea and on land; males have an enlarged claw.Females pick a mate based on the male’s claw size and display.
Fin WhaleOne of the largest animals; can maintain speeds of 25 mph.Found in many oceans because they migrate all year round.
Fire SalamanderKnown for bright colors indicative of poison in their skin.They give birth to their young alive.
Fire-bellied ToadTiny amphibians found in parts of China, North and South Korea, and Russia.Catch prey with their mouths instead of a sticky tongue.
FireflyInsects that produce light from their bodies.Nearly 96% of the energy in their bioluminescence reaction is light.
Fisher CatResembles the European polecat but doesn’t eat fish.One of the few animals that can prey on porcupines.
FlamingoWater birds with pink feathers and long legs.When they sleep, they balance on a single leg.
FleaPests that transmit diseases through bites.Can jump nearly seven inches high.
Florida GarFound in Florida, has long narrow body and sharp teeth.Survives the dry season by burrowing into the sediments.
FlounderBottom-dwelling fish that ambushes prey.Can change colors to blend into surroundings.
Flying FishFish with modified pectoral fins that enable them to glide.Can glide for more than 650 feet.
Freshwater CrocodileNot dangerous to humans; found in freshwater.Sexual maturity is achieved once they reach 4.9 feet long.
Frilled LizardHas a frill around its neck which it raises when threatened.Often kept as exotic pets but need a lot of care.
FrogfishScaleless deep-sea fish that stay motionless and use lures to catch prey.Don’t swim but propel themselves with water from gill openings.
Fruit FlyFound around decomposing organic materials.Can beat their wings up to 250 times in a second.

Summary of animals that start with F

Animals That Start With F - Full List, Images and Facts (22)

And we’ve gotten to the end of the list. We hope you love it. Now hasten to this list of animals that start with D. A lot of fun animals await.

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Jan Otte

Co-Founder at Animals Around The Globe

Jan loves Wildlife and Animals and is one of the founders of Animals Around The Globe. He holds an MSc in Economics and is a passionate PADI Open Water Diver. His favorite animals are Mountain Gorillas, Tigers, and Great White Sharks. He lived in South Africa, Germany, the USA, Ireland, Italy, China, and Australia.

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Animals That Start With F - Full List, Images and Facts (2024)
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