Why the Premium Price for Australian Shepherds? Breaking Down Costs - Fluffy Tamer (2024)

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Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by admin

Uncover the factors that justify the premium price associated with Australian wheat, delving into the intricacies of production costs, quality standards, and supply chain dynamics.

Australian Shepherds command a premium price due to their:

  • High breeding and health screening costs

  • Training and socialization expenses

  • Extensive health testing and vaccinations

Key Takeaways:

  • Breeding and Health Testing: Genetic lineage and health screening tests contribute significantly to the premium price.

  • Popularity and Demand: Australian Shepherds’ high popularity drives up their value as a sought-after breed.

  • Trainability and Temperament: Their inherent intelligence and superior trainability enhance their worth.

  • Versatility: Their ability to excel at various activities, such as herding and agility, adds to their value.

  • Veterinary Care and Maintenance: Regular vet checkups, breed-specific diets, and exercise requirements contribute to the ongoing costs of owning an Australian Shepherd.

Are Australian Shepherds Expensive to Maintain?

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds, renowned for their intelligence and unwavering loyalty, come with a price tag that can be daunting for potential owners. Understanding the reasons behind their high cost can help you make an informed decision about whether this breed is right for you.

Breeding Costs:

Australian Shepherds require extensive breeding practices to maintain their genetic integrity and health. Reputable breeders invest heavily in genetic screening and health tests to ensure healthy and balanced puppies. These tests, along with meticulous record-keeping, come at a significant cost.

Popularity and Demand:

The Australian Shepherd’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, driven by its exceptional trainability, versatility, and alluring appearance. This high demand naturally pushes up the price of Australian Shepherd puppies, as breeders are able to charge premiums for these desirable dogs.

Trainability and Intelligence:

Australian Shepherds are highly trainable and intelligent, making them well-suited for various activities such as herding, agility, and obedience. Their exceptional learning abilities translate to increased value for their owners, who can enjoy a well-trained and obedient companion.

Veterinary Expenses:

Australian Shepherds have moderate ongoing veterinary expenses. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care are essential to maintain their health. Additionally, Australian Shepherds have specific dietary requirements that can incur higher feeding costs.


Australian Shepherds are incredibly versatile dogs that excel in a wide range of activities. Their herding instincts, agility, and obedience make them popular choices for working and sporting events. Their versatility contributes to their overall value, as they can fulfill multiple roles for their owners.

Training and Socialization

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds are a beloved breed known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. However, their high cost can be a deterrent for potential owners. Let’s delve into the factors that drive the expensive price tag of Australian Shepherds:

Training and Socialization Costs:

Australian Shepherds require substantial training and socialization to reach their full potential. Basic obedience training ranges from $100-$300 for group classes and $30-$75 per private lesson. Advanced training, such as agility or herding, can cost $200-$600 for classes or $40-$120 per private session.

Socialization expenses include dog parks, playdates, professional dog walkers ($15-$30 per hour), and doggy daycare ($20-$50 per day). These costs ensure Australian Shepherds develop proper social skills and prevent behavioral issues.

Genetic Predispositions:

Australian Shepherds have inherited genetic traits that require specialized care, contributing to their high cost. They often require specialized diets to manage skin allergies and coat care to maintain their lush fur. Additionally, health testing and genetic screening are essential to identify potential health problems.

Popularity and Demand:

Australian Shepherds’ popularity and high demand have also driven up their cost. Their intelligence, athleticism, and adaptability to various activities make them a sought-after breed. Limited supply, coupled with high demand, has led to increased prices.

Veterinary Expenses:

Regular veterinary checkups, vaccinations, and occasional treatments can add up over an Australian Shepherd’s lifetime. Due to their predisposition to certain health conditions, they may require specialized care and medication, further contributing to their high price tag.

While Australian Shepherds are undoubtedly a valuable breed, their cost should be carefully considered before making a commitment. The necessary training, socialization, and veterinary expenses can be significant. However, with proper care, training, and socialization, Australian Shepherds can become cherished companions for years to come.

Working Ability and Versatility

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds, renowned for their exceptional working ability and versatility, come with a hefty price tag, raising the question: why are they so expensive?

Breeding Costs: Ensuring Genetic Excellence

To maintain the breed’s outstanding traits, reputable breeders invest heavily in genetic testing and health screenings. This screening process identifies potential health issues and ensures the health of puppies.

High Demand: A Coveted Breed

Australian Shepherds are highly sought after due to their intelligence, trainability, and versatility. The high demand drives up breeding prices and competition between buyers.

Veterinary Expenses: Specialized Diet and Health

Australian Shepherds require a specific diet to support their active lifestyle. They may also require additional veterinary expenses for joint supplements and eye checks to maintain their optimal health.

Training and Socialization: Fostering Exceptional Skills

Training and socialization are essential for Australian Shepherds to reach their full potential. Basic obedience training can range from $100-$300, while private lessons may cost $30-$75 per session. Additionally, they benefit from advanced training in agility, herding, or other specialized areas.

While Australian Shepherds may come with a high price tag, their exceptional working ability, versatility, and loyal companionship justify the investment. Their intelligence and athleticism make them invaluable partners for active individuals or those seeking a devoted working companion. Understanding the factors that contribute to their cost allows prospective owners to make informed decisions when considering this exceptional breed.

Show Quality and Bloodlines

Why Australian Shepherds Are Pricey: Unraveling the Connection Between Bloodlines and Show Quality

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) are renowned for their exceptional qualities, but their price tags can be equally impressive. Understanding the role of bloodlines and show quality is crucial to unraveling the mystery behind their high cost.

Show Quality and Bloodlines: A Premium Partnership

Aussies with exceptional conformation (body structure) and health are highly prized. Breeders with a history of producing pups that meet breed standards and maintain robust health can charge higher prices due to their proven ability to produce quality dogs.

Working Ability: A Skillful Command

Aussies that excel in working trials or have earned certified titles fetch even higher prices. These pups demonstrate exceptional trainability, intelligence, and athleticism, making them desirable for a variety of purposes.

Temperament and Trainability: Desirable Traits

Aussies with desirable temperaments and high trainability are particularly valuable. They are easier to bond with, train, and live with, making them ideal companions and working partners.

Show Success: A Prestigious Accolade

Aussies that achieve success in conformation or performance shows often command a premium price. These dogs have proven their ability to meet breed standards or excel in specific events, making them highly sought-after for breeding and competition.

Rarity and Bloodline Lineage: A Premium on Exclusivity

Puppies from less common or sought-after bloodlines tend to be more expensive due to their limited availability. These bloodlines may possess unique characteristics or desirable genetic traits.

Registration Papers: A Mark of Authenticity

Aussies registered with prestigious organizations like the AKC or ASDR are typically more expensive than unregistered dogs. Registration documents provide assurance of the dog’s purebred status and genetic heritage.

Breeder Reputation: Trust Comes at a Price

Well-established breeders with a strong track record and positive customer feedback can command higher prices for their pups. Their reputation for producing healthy, well-bred Aussies builds trust among buyers.

Location and Demand: A Regional Influence

Prices for Aussies can vary based on region and local demand. Areas with higher populations or fewer breeders may experience increased prices due to limited supply and high demand.

Understanding the intricate connection between bloodlines, show quality, and other factors is essential for comprehending the high cost of Australian Shepherds. These exceptional traits and characteristics, coupled with specialized breeding practices and a limited breeding supply, contribute to their premium price tags, making them valuable additions to any family or working environment.

Health Testing and Certifications

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Health testing and certifications play a significant role in determining the high cost of Australian Shepherds. Reputable breeders conduct health screenings to ensure the well-being and longevity of their dogs. These tests identify genetic conditions and potential health issues that can affect the breed.

Hip Dysplasia Screening: X-rays are taken to assess the hip joints for signs of dysplasia, a common issue in Australian Shepherds. Early detection allows for preventative measures and treatment options to manage the condition.

Elbow Dysplasia Screening: X-rays are also used to examine the elbow joints for elbow dysplasia, which can cause pain and mobility problems. Screening helps identify affected individuals and guides breeding decisions to reduce the prevalence of this condition.

Eye Exams: Ophthalmoscopic examinations identify eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). These screenings are essential to safeguard the vision of Australian Shepherds and prevent preventable vision loss.

Thyroid Panel: Blood tests check thyroid hormone levels, as Australian Shepherds are prone to hypothyroidism. This condition, if left untreated, can lead to weight gain, lethargy, and other health problems.

Multidrug Resistance Mutation Test (MDR1): Genetic testing helps determine a dog’s sensitivity to certain medications, allowing for adjusted dosing and reduced medication side effects. This test identifies individuals at risk for adverse reactions to commonly used drugs.

von Willebrand Disease Test: A blood test screens for von Willebrand disease, a bleeding disorder. Early diagnosis and management can prevent excessive bleeding during surgeries or injuries.

Dental Examination: Regular dental screenings are crucial due to Australian Shepherds’ susceptibility to dental issues. These exams help prevent plaque buildup, gum disease, and other dental problems.

In addition to health testing, the popularity and limited supply of Australian Shepherds also contribute to their high cost. High demand exceeds breeding production, driving up prices. Furthermore, reputable breeders invest in maintaining bloodlines that adhere to breed standards and promote optimal health. This commitment ensures that Australian Shepherds continue to possess the desirable traits and longevity that make them such sought-after companions.

Breeder Reputation

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds rank among the most sought-after dog breeds, commanding high prices. This raises the question: why are Australian Shepherds so expensive? Understanding the factors that contribute to their cost is crucial for informed decision-making.

Popularity and Limited Supply

Due to their exceptional qualities, including intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty, Australian Shepherds are in high demand. The limited availability of puppies compared to the high demand drives up their prices.

Breeding Costs

Reputable breeders invest heavily in health testing and genetic preservation to ensure the well-being of their breeding stock. These expenses significantly contribute to the overall cost of producing healthy Australian Shepherd puppies.

Veterinary Expenses

Australian Shepherds require a balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and occasional medications. These ongoing expenses add up over the dog’s lifetime.

Bloodline and Quality

Puppies from reputable bloodlines with proven temperaments and health records command premium prices. Adhering to breed standards and maintaining optimal health are key factors in determining the overall value of an Australian Shepherd. Puppies with rare or desirable traits may also come at a higher cost.

Understanding the factors that drive the price of Australian Shepherds helps prospective owners make informed decisions. By considering the reputation of the breeder, supply and demand dynamics, and the investment required to raise a healthy and well-bred Australian Shepherd, buyers can appreciate the true cost of owning this exceptional breed.

Breeding Costs

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) can command a high price tag compared to other dog breeds. Here are the primary factors contributing to their elevated cost.

1. High Demand:

Australian Shepherds are highly sought-after for their intelligence, loyalty, and trainability. Their versatility makes them popular companions and working dogs. This high demand limits supply and increases their price.

2. Breeding Costs:

Reputable breeders invest heavily in maintaining the health and quality of their Australian Shepherds. This includes genetic testing and selective breeding to preserve the breed’s desirable traits and prevent inherited diseases. Such rigorous breeding practices incur significant costs.

3. Health Considerations:

Australian Shepherds, like many purebred dogs, can be prone to certain health conditions such as eye and hip problems. Breeders must ensure regular veterinary examinations and clearances to prevent these issues, further contributing to their purchase price.

4. Bloodline and Quality:

Australian Shepherds with a solid bloodline are generally more reliable and healthy. Breeders who maintain strict breeding standards to adhere to breed regulations and ensure optimal health often charge higher prices for their puppies.

Therefore, the high demand for Australian Shepherds, coupled with the breeding costs, health considerations, and bloodline quality, all contribute to their premium price range.

Competition and Market Value

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) command a premium price due to their exceptional qualities, making them highly sought after.

Intelligence and Trainability:

Aussies are renowned for their intelligence and trainability. Their herding instincts make them highly focused on commands and tasks. This trait makes them excel in obedience trials and agility competitions.

Agility and Obedience:

In these competitions, Aussies showcase their exceptional speed, handling, and precision. This high level of performance further increases their value.

Loyalty and Companionship:

Beyond their competitive abilities, Aussies are loyal and affectionate companions. Their protective nature and adaptability make them desirable as family pets.

Minimal Grooming and Adaptability:

With minimal grooming requirements and their ability to adapt to various climates, Aussies offer a convenient and low-maintenance lifestyle. This further enhances their desirability.

High Demand and Limited Supply:

The popularity of Aussies has led to high demand, while their limited supply keeps their value elevated. Breeders must carefully manage breeding to maintain the health and quality of the breed.

Intensive Breeding and Veterinary Costs:

Australian Shepherd breeders invest heavily in health testing and genetic preservation. This ensures the longevity and well-being of the breed. Additionally, ongoing veterinary expenses for diet and healthcare add to their overall cost.

Reputation and Health Standards:

Reputable bloodlines ensure the reliability and health standards of Aussies. Maintaining these standards enhances their value as show dogs and working partners.

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Special?

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Special and Expensive?

Australian Shepherds, renowned for their intelligence, agility, and loyalty, command a premium price in the canine market. Several factors contribute to their high cost:

High Demand and Scarcity: Australian Shepherds are highly sought after as working dogs and family companions. Their popularity far exceeds their availability, creating a supply-and-demand imbalance that drives up prices.

Intensive Breeding Costs: Preserving the breed’s exceptional qualities requires rigorous testing and selective breeding. Breeders invest heavily in genetic health screenings and DNA testing to ensure their puppies meet strict standards.

Health and Maintenance Expenses: Australian Shepherds have a reputation for good health, but they still require regular veterinary care, vaccinations, and parasite prevention. Their active lifestyle also demands high-quality diets and rigorous training, which further contribute to their overall cost.

Breeding Ethics: Reputable breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their puppies by following ethical breeding practices. This includes thorough health screenings, proper socialization, and adherence to breed standards. These efforts enhance the puppy’s value and ensure its suitability as a long-term companion.

Australian Shepherds’ exceptional qualities, high demand, and ethical breeding practices justify their premium price. Their intelligence, loyalty, and unwavering work ethic make them an invaluable asset as working canines and cherished family members. While their acquisition may require a significant investment, the companionship and love they provide are priceless.

Location and Availability

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive? Location and Availability

Australian Shepherds are highly sought-after dogs, known for their intelligence, versatility, and athleticism. This demand, coupled with limited availability, contributes to their higher price point.


The availability of Australian Shepherds varies greatly by location. In regions where they are popular, such as the United States, Europe, and Australia, demand is high, driving up prices. Conversely, in areas where the breed is less common, supply may exceed demand, resulting in lower prices.


The limited availability of Australian Shepherds is another factor contributing to their expense. These dogs are not mass-produced, and reputable breeders prioritize quality over quantity. Breeding programs are often selective, ensuring that only the best specimens are used for reproduction. This scarcity of quality puppies drives up their value.

Traits and Training:

Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and require a significant amount of training. This training, often provided by professional trainers, can add to the overall cost of ownership. Additionally, because of their working breed background, Australian Shepherds typically require a higher level of care and attention, which can further contribute to their price.


The excellent reputation of Australian Shepherds as family pets and working dogs also influences their value. Their popularity has increased the demand for well-bred puppies, leading to higher prices.


High Demand and Scarcity

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds are highly sought-after dogs, resulting in a high demand that outpaces the available supply. Several factors contribute to their elevated price tags:

High Demand: Australian Shepherds have surged in popularity, attracting many families and individuals seeking loyal and active companions.

Limited Breeding Stock: Reputable breeders prioritize quality over quantity, often having smaller litters or waiting lists, contributing to scarcity.

Breeding Restrictions: Responsible breeders adhere to ethical practices, limiting the number of puppies sold per litter to ensure the health and well-being of both the parents and offspring.

Scalping and Price Gouging: The high demand for Australian Shepherds has unfortunately led to unethical practices by some sellers, driving up prices and creating artificial scarcity through scalping or price gouging.

Health Issues: Australian Shepherds are prone to certain health conditions, such as hip dysplasia and eye problems, which affect breeding success rates and the overall availability of healthy puppies.

Climate and Breeding Season: Extreme weather conditions or short breeding seasons can impact Australian Shepherd reproduction, leading to smaller litter sizes and increased costs.

Competition from Other Breeds: The popularity of other dog breeds, such as Golden Retrievers or Labrador Retrievers, can also divert potential Australian Shepherd owners, increasing scarcity.

Responsible Ownership: Ethical breeders prioritize finding suitable homes for puppies, which may result in longer wait times for potential buyers willing to commit to the breed’s needs.

Investing in an Australian Shepherd comes with responsibilities, including potential health expenses. Prospective owners should be aware of these factors and prepared to provide a loving and supportive environment for their canine companion.

Unique Breed Characteristics

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and unwavering work ethic. However, their popularity has come at a price, making them one of the most expensive dog breeds on the market. So, what factors contribute to the high cost of Australian Shepherds?

Surge in Demand

The Australian Shepherd’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to an overwhelming demand for the breed. The heightened demand has resulted in a shortage of available puppies, particularly from reputable breeders.

Limited Breeding Stock

Ethical breeders prioritize the health and welfare of their dogs, often resulting in smaller litter sizes. Consequently, the limited breeding stock further contributes to the high cost of Australian Shepherds.

Breeding Restrictions

Responsible breeders adhere to ethical breeding practices, which may include controlled breeding and maintaining waiting lists for puppies. This regulated approach ensures the quality of the breed but also limits the number of available dogs for sale.

Supply and Demand

The combination of limited breeding stock, stringent breeding practices, and surging demand has created an imbalance in the supply and demand for Australian Shepherds.

Artificial Scarcity

Unfortunately, some unethical breeders and scalpers engage in price gouging, artificially inflating the cost of puppies. This dishonest practice further exacerbates the high cost associated with the breed.

The demand for Australian Shepherds far exceeds the supply, leading to sky-high prices for puppies from reputable breeders. The surge in popularity, limited breeding stock, breeding restrictions, and artificial scarcity have all played a role in making Australian Shepherds among the most expensive dog breeds today. Prospective owners should be aware of the financial commitment required when considering adopting an Australian Shepherd and only patronize ethical breeders who prioritize the welfare of the puppies they breed.

How Much Should You Pay for an Australian Shepherd?

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Australian Shepherds are among the most sought-after dog breeds, leading to their high price tag. Here are the contributing factors that justify the cost of these beloved companions:

High Demand, Limited Supply:

  • Australian Shepherds have soared in popularity, driving up demand.

  • Reputable breeders have carefully planned litters, limiting the availability of puppies.

  • Adherence to breeding standards by responsible breeders further restricts the number of available pups.

Breeder Reputation:

  • Well-established breeders with a proven track record of producing healthy, well-bred Australian Shepherds earn a premium.

  • Their commitment to ethical practices, including genetic testing and proper socialization, ensures superior puppies.

Age and Training:

  • Australian Shepherd puppies are priced higher than adults due to the investment in breeding, socialization, and veterinary care.

  • Puppies that have received early training or come from a breeder who offers training programs are typically more expensive.

Health History and Genetics:

  • Dogs with superior bloodlines, excellent health records, and genetic testing results are valued more highly.

  • Breeders who prioritize health and genetic diversity invest heavily in their breeding programs, resulting in healthier puppies with a reduced risk of genetic disorders.

Location and Scarcity:

  • The cost of Australian Shepherds varies depending on location. Breeders in high-demand areas or with a reputation for producing exceptional dogs can charge more.

  • In areas where demand outstrips supply, scalpers or unethical breeders may engage in price gouging, further inflating prices.

Additional Expenses to Consider:

  • Besides the initial cost, Australian Shepherds require significant ongoing expenses, including food, vet care, grooming, training, and pet insurance.

  • Factors such as your dog’s size, activity level, and health status will impact these expenses, potentially adding to the overall cost of ownership.

Are Australian Shepherds High Maintenance?

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Expensive?

Understanding the origins and factors that influence the cost of Australian Shepherds (Aussies) is crucial. These intelligent and loyal dogs come with a price tag that can raise questions about what drives their expenses.

High Demand, Limited Supply

Aussies have become increasingly popular due to their versatility, trainability, and affectionate nature, creating a high demand for puppies and adult dogs. However, the limited supply of purebred Australian Shepherds contributes to their elevated costs.

Initial Investment

Acquiring an Aussie requires an initial investment that ranges from $500 to $1,500 for puppies and $300 to $800 for adults. This includes the cost of adoption, necessary vaccinations, and the initial vet visit.

Ongoing Maintenance: A Monthly Expense

Australian Shepherds require ongoing maintenance that can add up to $170-$410 monthly. This includes:

  • Food: $40-$80. Aussies may require specialized food due to their sensitive stomachs.

  • Vet Care: $60-$150. Regular vet visits and vaccinations are essential for maintaining their health.

  • Grooming: $60-$120. Their thick coats need regular brushing and occasional baths.

  • Training: $70-$150. Proper training is crucial for channeling their energy and preventing destructive behaviors.

  • Insurance (Optional): $30-$100. Pet insurance can provide peace of mind and cover unexpected medical expenses.

Annual Expenses: Yearly Commitments

In addition to monthly expenses, Aussies also require annual expenses that total around $600-$1,200:

  • Vaccinations: $30-$80

  • Flea/Tick/Heartworm Prevention: $60-$120

  • Grooming: $120-$240

  • Boarding (Optional): $300-$800

Other Cost Factors

Several factors influence the cost of an Australian Shepherd, including:

  • Breeder Reputation: Renowned breeders often offer dogs with superior genetics and health records, which can justify higher prices.

  • Age: Puppies tend to be more expensive than adult dogs.

  • Location: Costs can vary depending on the region and availability of breeders.

  • Health History: Dogs with a clean health history typically come with higher price tags.

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Why the Premium Price for Australian Shepherds? Breaking Down Costs - Fluffy Tamer (2024)


How much should you pay for an Australian Shepherd? ›

Adoption: $500 – $2000

Adoption is always a more affordable option and also helps give a loving home to a dog who needs a second chance. Adoption may cost $200-$500. While purchasing an Australian Shepherd from a breeder may range from $600-$2000.

Do all Australian Shepherds get fluffy? ›

In general, their coats are soft to the touch, but not fluffy or silky. The textures are similar to a long-haired german shepherd dog. And they do shed A LOT. ... Australian Shepherds are working dogs - the outer layer of the coat can take some weather and abuse.

What are the cons of Australian Shepherds? ›

Bored Australian Shepherds express their frustration by barking and destructive chewing. If you want an easy-to-live-with pet who doesn't need much exercise and sleeps on the couch most of the day, this is not the breed for you.

Are Australian Shepherds expensive to maintain? ›

On average, you can expect to spend around $500 to $1,000 annually on basic veterinary care. – Food and Supplies: Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with a healthy appetite. Quality dog food, treats, toys, grooming supplies, and other essentials can cost around $500 to $1,000 per year.

Do Australian Shepherds have a double cost? ›

Coat type. The Australian Shepherd has a double coat: The top coat has medium-length hair, which is straight or wavy, and the undercoat is thick and dense.

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Tibetan Mastiff

They're also one of the most expensive breeds you can find, with prices ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 or more. The most expensive dog ever sold was a red Tibetan Mastiff named Big Splash going for some $1.5 million!

At what age do Aussies get their full coat? ›

However, typically, Australian Shepherds start growing their full adult coats by around 1 to 2 years of age. During this time, their puppy coat sheds and is replaced by their adult coat, which can take several months to fully develop.

Is my Aussie fat or fluffy? ›

Feel For Your Pup's Ribs

If your pooch is a healthy weight you should be able to feel their ribs without a thick layer of fat over them. Your dog's chest should be wider than their abdomen, and there will be a noticeable tuck-up from chest to stomach about where their waist should be (see illustration below).

Do Australian Shepherds not like to cuddle? ›

The truth is, most Aussies do enjoy a cuddle with their owner or close family member, but you will find some dogs of this breed that aren't that big of fans. It all depends on the dog itself, its individual personality, and its temperament.

Do Aussies attach to one person? ›

Strong guardian instincts Aussies are protective watchdogs. Reserved with strangers Aussies are closely attached to their family but do not tend to seek contact with strangers, or easily accept strangers as “friends.” This does not mean they are shy or aggressive. Aussies are selective in their social interactions.

What not to do with an Australian Shepherd? ›

Alone Time. Aussies are people-oriented dogs who tend to follow their family from room to room just to be near them. They require plenty of attention. Being left alone for too long may cause the intelligent, energetic Australian Shepherd to create her own fun—often through destructive behaviors or barking.

Do Australian Shepherds like to be held? ›

While Australian Shepherds can be very affectionate, loving, and cuddly dogs with their family members, they may not act the same way at all with someone they don't know. This dog will enjoy snuggling with the people he trusts.

At what age do Australian Shepherds calm down? ›

All puppies and young dogs experience a period of extreme activity. In Aussies, it should stop at around 2-3 years of age. But don't worry! It winds down gradually and gets less “naughty” as they grow and learn, and Mini Aussies are quick learners.

Should I get a male or female Australian Shepherd? ›

If you're looking for a fun-loving, goofy dog that yearns for affection and attention, a male Australian Shepherd is a good fit. If you are more interested in a loving yet independent dog that does not mind spending time alone, a female might be a better fit.

Why do Aussies sleep on their backs? ›

"Dogs exchange heat through their paws, and this allows them to cool down," says Dr. Travis McDermott, a vet at Durango Animal Hospital in Nevada. "Dogs generally sleep on their back to cool down."

What are the pros and cons of an Australian Shepherd? ›

The biggest pro or con, depending on how active your lifestyle is, is that they require a lot of physical exercise and mental stimulation. Their fur also needs maintenance to prevent matting, particularly behind the ears. Besides that, they are very sweet and loving dogs.

What to know before buying an Australian Shepherd? ›

Aussies are highly energetic and athletic dogs. They need to get a lot of exercise regularly. The recommended minimum is an area to run around in for an hour or two daily. Fortunately, Australian shepherds share a strong bond with their owners and love going on long walks or hikes.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.