Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe (2024)

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posted by Amy Johnsonon October 11, 2015 (updated Sep 14, 2021) 45 comments »

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These Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds are crunchy and so tasty. These toasted pumpkin seeds are a quick and healthy snack too!

It’s fall, y’all! Yay! The leaves are changing and the air is crisp. Pumpkins are popping up around every corner around here. Pumpkin carving time is here! So ifyou’re getting ready to carve pumpkins, be sure to save those pumpkin seeds to make theseSpicy T0asted Pumpkin Seeds.

TheseSpicy T0asted Pumpkin Seeds couldn’t be easier.Toss the seeds with afew seasonings,send it to the oven for aquick visit and you’ll havea tasty and healthy snack in no time. Yes, healthy! Did you know that pumpkin seeds, as well as other hard squash seeds and kernels, are a good source of Protein, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin E and Vitamin B-complex?

Scrape the innards out ofthe pumpkin (or squash), separatethe seeds from the squishy, stringy stuff, then rinse and spread the seeds out on paper towels to dry. Once they are dry, toss them with you favorite seasoning combo. Then spread them evenly on a baking sheet and bake until toasted.

For this recipe, I used a spicy combo with a bit ofolive oil. A sweet mix, like cinnamon, sugar, and butter would be pretty tasty too!Do not hesitate to adjust the seasoning proportionsto your liking. The easy recipe below is just a guideline. Be creative! Make it yours! And be sure to keep a watchful eye while the pumpkin seeds are baking to avoid burning as ovens can vary in cook times. These do not take very long to toast.

These Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seedsare a great snack option for movie night, or to pack along for that next football game or road trip. They will disappear real quick, so make sureto pack plenty.

More delicious pumpkin recipes to try:

  • Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe
  • Pumpkin Scones Recipe
  • Pumpkin Dip Recipe
  • Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread Recipe

Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe (8)

Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

If you're getting ready to carve pumpkins be sure to save those pumpkin seeds for Toasted Pumpkin Seeds. With a few seasonings and a visit to the oven, you can have a tasty and healthy snack at your fingertips.


  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds, rinsed and dry
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
  • 1/2 ounce olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 375-degrees F.
  2. In a bowl combine all ingredients until seed are coated well.
  3. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake until toasted and slightly browned, about 15-20 minutes, tossing halfway through. Watch carefully to avoid burning as all ovens vary on cook times. Remove from oven, and let cool before serving.

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Originally posted October 9, 2011.

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originally published on October 11, 2015 (last updated Sep 14, 2021)

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Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe (12)


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45 comments on “Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe”

  1. LissaReply

    Thank you so much for this easy explanation! Gonna make this tonight!
    When I’m separating the seeds from the stringy stuff I put everything into a bowl and fill it up with cold water. Then I stir a bit and dip the stuff up and down into the water and all the seeds will float up! Easy to fish out with your palms or a strainer, and it’s a really quick way to do it!

  2. LuckReply

    This is so good I’ve made it twice this week…. and may go for #3 tonight! Wonderful flavors and very quick to put together. Yum!!! follow : Floormatidea.com

  3. Bill HardyReply

    Thank you for this! I’ve been looking for a toasted pumpkin seed recipe to top something else I’ve got in the works!

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Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe (2024)
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