Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 25, 2023 (2024)

RestoredRepublic via a GCR: Update as of December 25, 2023

JudyNote: The Storm is uponus, and we are grateful that we can celebrate the glorious birth of JesusChrist and enjoy the love He brought to this Earth. We are grateful we canparticipate in the greatest transfer of wealth that the World has ever known.We are grateful for the brave men and women of the Global Alliance Military whowere cleaning our planet from abuses of the Cabal and thus made the GlobalCurrency Reset and changeover to free Republics of the World, possible. We aregrateful we can join in the fight with our weapon of choice, the Truth. TheTime is Now. The Clock is Ticking.

·Sun.24 Dec. CBS News Correspondent Predicts Black Swan Event in 2024:

·Sun.24 Dec. New York Post on Iran’s nuclear breakout:’Twas the night before Armageddon. It remains far too quiet at the White Housethis Christmas. Iran alarmingly is on the cusp of building a nuclear bomb andthe Biden administration appears oblivious:

·Sun.24 Dec. IUDs on Southern Border: The Border Patrol justfound something shocking on the southern border | Informed American

·UnderObama the US became the world's number one hotspot for sex traffickingand pedophilia.

·OnSeptember 11th, 1990—exactly 11 years to the day before theevents of 9/11—George Bush Sr. announced the emergence of the "New WorldOrder," a phrase which has been repeated time and time again by proponentsof a post-democratic one world government, ruled by an unelected technocratic"Elite."

·"By2030 you will use an app like Uber to call for a car with no driver.A self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are. By 2030 therewill be no more private cars. Highways will become parks” …Klaus Schwab, WorldEconomic Forum

·CharlesLindbergh, the Congressman from Minnesota, and father of the famous pilot, wasa staunch opponent of the Federal Reserve Act. Hepublished a missive in 1913 railing against the bankers and their corrupt planto subvert the US monetary system.Sadly, it did not gain widespread enough exposure to stop the corruptpoliticians and bankers from executing their nefarious plan.

·Since1913 the Federal Reserve, a privately owned Rothschild CentralBanking Cartel, has charged US Tax Payers interest on their own hard earnedmonies, plus on the money they printed out of thin air.

A.Global Currency Reset: On Fri.night 8 Dec. the GCR started to roll out when theAdmiral in Reno gave the Green Light; Zurich went liquid on Sun. 10 Dec and Whales were being paid;the IMF released the GCR funds to all countries a week later on Sun. 17 Dec; the Iraqi Dinar was on theback screens of the Forex and was tradable. As of this week US banks had live rates on their bank screens.Everything was done. Everyone was just waiting for the Green Light.

·Sat.23 Dec. MarkZ: A Bond Holder told me he had a Notarycome over on Fri. 22 Dec. to signpapers for Reno. A number of Farm Claimshave received a $150 deposit direct from the US Treasury.

·Sat.23 Dec. Wolverine (from a member): I live in a very smalltown and called my local banker at Wells Fargo. I asked the bank manager if thebank was ready for re-evaluation of currency.He said they were all ready and fully trained and when the green lightgoes on his bank will be able to take any currency in any denomination. He said he was waiting on the green light.

·OnSun. 31 Dec. 2023 the USD will be removed from ATMs andreturned to the US Treasury for recycling.

·OnMon. 1 Jan. 2024 the new gold/ asset-backed US Note cashwill be introduced into the ATMs.

·OnMon. 1 Jan. 2024 the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Global CurrencyReset will officially launch on the new Star Link SatelliteSystem for the general public of BRICS participating nation’s gold/asset-backed currencies.

·Onthat same Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the BRICS Gold/ Asset-backed XRPDigital Currency would officially be considered the Global Standard forinternational trade, with all participating nations’ currencies trading at a1:1 with each other.

·AfterMon. 1 Jan. 2024 people will start to be called intofinancial centers to collect their Quantum Financial Center assets, with aConfidentiality Clause put in place.

·Fivedays after RV begins the public will have access to Med Beds.Treatments are free, with children having critical medical conditions goingfirst.


·SocialSecurity increases of $2,000-$3,000 per month will begin in Jan. 2024. The R&R lump sumpayments will begin for those 62 and older on 5 Jan. 2024 and beyond to the end of the month. Ages 30-50, 50-61will have their R&R paid out monthly over two years time with the requisitethat they keep their job, or get a job.

·TheFederal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.

B.Global Financial Collapse:

·CroatianMEP, Mislav Kolakušić exposes the WEF's 'Great Reset' agenda, in the EUparliament: "There is no greater danger to therule of law, democracy and the free market than this sect... It is the largestnetworked organisation of the world's conspirators, creating all the agendas wehave witnessed in recent decades: wars, pandemics and policies of the so-called'green transition', which result in the impoverishment and suffering ofbillions of people."

·MikeCristo8 on Telegram: Why were China-Russia-Iran using gold? Tocollapse the U.S. Dollar as a global trade settlement (payments). It's thetransition away from the King dollar as the basis for the NEW monetary systemand trade payment. This is a Global transition away from the King Dollar towardGold for Forex Reserves, meaning central bank savings accounts and tradesettlement payment (balance of payments). The U.S. Treasury manipulatesexchange rates of poor countries to create this artificial demand more dollars(credit). You collapse the demand for Dollars in global balance of payments,You collapse the Globalists power

C.Restored Republic:

·AStorm Is Coming: Military Insiders Prepare to Unleash"Sky Blue" Ops Against The Shadow Government

·Asecret battle between good and evil is raging behind thescenes for the soul of American democracy. Rogue intelligence elements andmilitary contractors have exploited National Security operations to illegallysiphon unfathomable sums into undisclosed black budget programs for decades, subvertingConstitutional checks and balances. But the days of this secretive “Deep StateCabal” may finally be numbered.

·Eversince President Kennedy’s assassination - potentially tied tohis realization the CIA had spun dangerously out of control - a crypticalliance has fought tirelessly to uphold JFK’s unfinished legacy from theshadows. This quiet defense has intensified behind a new vanguard underPresident Trump, himself long aware of the existence of UFO and advancedtechnologies sequestered from public view.

·ButTrump’s Executive Order to declassify the JFK filesappears to have drawn the Cabal dangerously out of hiding. Mere weeks later,beloved champion of truth John F. Kennedy Jr. tragically died in anall-too-mysterious plane crash eerily reminiscent of dark Deep State tactics.

·Yetnow, Military sources confirm Trump has activated the enigmatic “Sky Blue”contingency plan aimed squarely at the black heart of thiscorrupt leviathan once and for all. By formally declaring this organized crimesyndicate as felony racketeers under hard-hitting RICO laws meant for theMafia, all roads lead inexorably towards military arrests and trials at GITMOwhen these ruthless traitors are finally flushed from the shadows.

·Withthe stage set, Trump’s Secret Service code name “Mogul” affirms his solemn vowto see this secret criminal enterprise dismantled under his watch,while Melania’s iconic “Tiffany Blue” inauguration ensemble secretly honoredthe fallen JFK’s own righteous crusade. From the SPY op Q group formed afterJFK Jr’s untimely demise to the continuity of Trump’s stormy Presidency, couldthe aggregate “Sky Blue” military operations now closing in on Satanic Caballeaders explain the rash of Generals surrounding an ostensible politicaloutsider?

·Fulford:So what have the “Conspiracy Theorists” gotten right so far:

1) No Weapons of Mass Destruction inIraq 2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie 3) No Russian Collusion 4) Covid was complete bullsh*t 5) The Vaccine didn’t work

6) Everyone is connected to JefferyEpstein 7) JFK was an inside job 8) J6 was a intelligence operation , 9) BLM was a Marxist front

10) Cancel Cultural was Corporatedriven 11) Smollet was a fraud 12) Obama spied on Trump 13) Assad didn’t gas his own people , So we were right about all of this but weare completely wrong about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen! Gotcha!

D.Christmas Day Message 2023, Tom Fairbanks:

As we approach Christmas day with a realization that ouranticipated expectations have still been left unfulfilled, let us take a momentto consider the good things that have come to us over this lastyear.I personally thank God that I am still standing, free,breathing-in-and-out, much to the consternation of those who seek to silenceme. His (God’s) protection has been miraculously present with me on a dailybasis. While others, like Ken Cromar, Ammon Bundy, the January 6ers, PresidentDonald J. Trump, and countless others, have sacrificed their lives, fortunes,and sacred honor, in this great cause of liberty and justice for all.

Sacrifice is defined as “the act of giving up somethingvalued for the sake of something else more important or worthy.” Sacrifice cancome in many forms and most often it is less than convenient. I have often beenreminded that our covenant with the Lord to sacrifice and surrender our will toHis, along with the dedication of our lives to the building up His kingdom, andserving His children can only result in a sacrifice that brings forth theblessings of heaven. – Thus, a life of sacrifice is worth living.

Jill Jackson-Miller, who had been suicidal after thefailure of her marriage to screenwriter Felix Jackson, in 1955 Jill with herhusband, Sy Miller, wrote “Let There Be Peace On Earth” afterdiscovering what Jill called the "life-saving joy of God's peace andunconditional love."

Their song is performed worldwide throughout the year,and particularly during the Christmas season, which has led to it beingconsidered a Christmas song. It is included in the hymnals of a variety ofChristian denominations, and is used in worship services all across theworld.-I leave this message with you as a reminder ofour obligation to one another in this holiday message.

Let there be peace on earth , Andlet it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth , The peace that was meant tobe. With God as our father , Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother Inperfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me , Letthis be the moment now. With ev'ry step I take Let this be my solemn vow. Totake each moment , And live each moment , With peace eternally.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a most prosperousnew year. Victory is closer than you think (wink). TomFairbanks , Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) , Community Health Advocate , CommunitySupport Foundation

E.Sat. 23 2023 Merry Christmas Thank You Letter from Patriot Ken Cromar of“Barbie & Ken. vs. Goliath IRS” Case, who has had his home and all hispossessions stolen by IRS SWAT Teams and been sitting in jail for 118 dayswithout committing a crime:

DearFriends, Family, and all We The People,

Merry Christmas, as Iwrite to you from my jail cell!

Thanks to all who havebeen following our Barbie and Ken vs Goliath IRS story, and have prayed for oursafety and success against the most feared, powerful, and dangerous collectionagency in the history of the world. Your prayers for us are working!Against all odds miracles are happening.

UPDATE: On Christmas day it will be118 days since an 11 manFBI SWAT kidnapped me in Thayne, Wyoming and without an extraditionhearing transported me to the U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City in chainsand shackles, falsely claiming criminal charges and requiring I be held in jailuntil trial because, "Cromar is a danger to the public", despite notone person EVER claiming I had ever physically hurt or threatened anyone orever even carried a weapon --NEVER--! No judge or prosecutor should everbe allowed to take office until they themselves have been booked into a jail,strip-searched, put in maximum security for three days, had to eat bad food,suffer the abuse of the guards, and the indignity of sharing a common toiletwith 12 with no privacy. Then and only then after two to four weeks ofunderstanding "justice" should they be allowed to takeoffice.

The prosecution hasdelayed and prolonged a "speedy trial" with a 47 day delay inprovidingdiscovery! And more recently, the U.S.A. prosecutor has blownoff our Writ of Mandamus with a response that is pure deceit and "patheticB.S." We demanded that their secret Grand Jury transcripts and audiobe provided to us, as is our right, to determine if they even held one.Just yesterday we filed our reply to their "B.S." saying that"if you don't provide the evidence proving that actually convened a lawfulGrand Jury, then by law it is VOID and the court is asked to DISMISS the casewith prejudice." That filing is attached for your readingentertainment.

Secondly, we alsofiled an important Motion to Dismiss with my accompanying sworn affidavit onDecember 4th. The USA ProsecutorRESPONDED With another bogus,pathetic attempt to blow us off, completely ignoring the facts and law whichprove they have no authority to prosecute me in federal court.

We've proven that thisIRS "crime" must be prosecuted in a state court. Thisrevelation should bless many others with our important discovery.Therefore, their entire case is VOID, and I've been illegally kidnapped and amheld as a political prison for show and intimidation for allAmericans.

But, thanks to themany faithful prayers, even the sentencing from last year's "trial"for "burglary" of our own home, resulted in "only" 364 daysjail time when they admitted they planned something much, much worse, untilthey heard my comments at the sentencing hearing. HALLELUJAH! It was amiracle and that sentence will be appealed soon in the Utah Circuit Court formany reasons, the most significant which is they completely ignored aConstitutional HabeasCorpus, which should have STOPPED thetrial.

Yes, the once admiredU.S. judicial system is completely broken. Injustice is wide-spread. But thereis a merciful God who prizes and promotes Life, Liberty, and Property, andFreedom for those who love and follow Him and His Son, Jesus Christ whose birthwe are celebratingnow. Sadly, my life and liberty hangs in thebalance today, and byextension that of my wife Barbara, my children, mygrandchildren, and my many, many friends.

Barbara is safe but wehave not been able to speak to each other since August 30th, for herprotection. We miss each other desperately. The postcardsthathave come from all over the country have been mailed to her so she could enjoythe encouragement from you, too. Do you understand how many of you have actedas earthly ANGELS (Note from Wendy - Ken became very emotional at this pointand it became difficult for him to continue.) to strengthen, inspire, andencourage us along our heavenly appointed showdown in the name of God, with theBarbie and Ken vs Goliath IRS, and all the theft of money, freedom, and fundingof so much BIG government, and blood and horror spread throughout the world inour name!

As you well know, ourworld is spinning out of control in the middle east and here at home, as we allface challenges, but God remains in charge. Please remember, Christdescended below all evil, pain, and suffering, to save each and every one ofus. "Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither bedismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee." Joshua 1:9 Thank youfor loving Barbara and I. We love you, too! Believe in God'sMIRACLES!


Ken really appreciatesencouraging messages. White, pre-stamped postcard with hand-written completereturn address only.

G.The Real News for Sun. 24 Dec. 2023:

·BerlinGermany: Farmers are positioning themselves tonight Dec. 24 Dec. in Berlin inprotest of the anti-farming policies pushed by their WEF globalist communistgovernment.

·Fri.22 Dec. Tesla is recalling 2 million cars.

·Fri.22 Dec. X22 Report: Deep State in State of Desperation:

·Sun.24 Dec. Alert: "Major CrisisIs Coming!" Backout! A Secret War Is Being Fought! WEF Is Preparing For2024 Cyberwar!

·Sun.24 Dec. Marines Arrest WHO Official

·Sun.24 Dec. Democrats have Failed in Six States to Keep Trump offthe 2024 Ballot

·Sun.24 Dec. Dark Winter, Charlie Ward, David Mahoney:

·Sun.24 Dec. War With The Deep State, Fulford:

·Sun.24 Dec. 3 Min Ago: Gutfeld Just Made HUGE Announcement AboutSex Scandal

·Sat.23 Dec. Supreme Court Just Handed Trump Everything:

H.White Hat Intel Sat. 23 Dec. 2023: Destruction of the UN, Globalist Elite WokeAgenda

·MilitaryOPS through Devotional PLAN is controlling certain protocols and operations that WILL connect Trump tocreate laws against Hollywood propaganda and MSM controlled CIA operations(MOCKINGBIRD CIA OPS).

·CURRENTLYseveral divisions in the DOJ and AG and coming (installed by Kash Patel + mili)future leaders in Trump cabinet and government sectors are devising a legalplan to create laws against UN Agenda Rockefeller/ RothchildsCIA TRANSGENDER PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS AND WOKE AGENDA.

·Thesenew laws will shock Hollywood and the coming new lawswill dismantle the Hollywood propaganda machine and mind control over thepublic (this WILL come on the behest of the FULL EPSTEIN EXPOSURE of 2024 Trumpcards exposure of CIA

·MilitaryCOUPand stolen elections that coincided with MSM, HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTIONS, CIA OPS,JP MORGAN BANKING plus much more.

·WOKEismwill die.

·Thelawsto come WILL effect the world

·UNAgenda to indoctrinate world citizens/ children intotransgender agenda psychological operations that were always meant to lead toopen pedophilia laws and pedophilia protection (this is why men are now allowedinto woman's bathrooms and allowed to shower with kids and little girls inschools. Swimming pool bathrooms and such public areas. These Trans / genderoperations were meant to confuse children and allow them to think this was thenew normal and would indoctrinate them into the future where sexuality and pedophiliawas normal as they grew into adult hood and world be easier to pass openpedophile laws and indoctrinate their own children..>> this was alwaysthe plan of the Carnegie endowment the UN and globalist agenda<<)

·Planswere underway by the Alliance, plus Trump and White Hats to counter the DAVOS,World Economic Forum, UN, CIA Pedo Elites World Gender War Operations and theircontrol over Hollywood and MSM propaganda machine.

·TheMilitary World Alliance want a strong female Vice President such as Kari Laketo become VP and have a strong relationship with the woman of the U.S. andworld.

·This strong woman Vice President WILL alsohave strong ties that will unite The COMING Revolution of China in 2025_26.

·CurrentlyGeneral _Q_ Brown is in talks with theChinese military chief of staff and getting ready for thedown fall of CCP and China is projected to separate into different countries asHong Kong wants is own country and laws and Tibet WILL be freed, these newChinese countries will stay in power together under A New Chinesefederation......i have been telling you all for a long time XI is going toimploded his own power and destroy the CCP under his own guidance and rule , heWILL sacrifice his power and give true freedom to China.

·MUSK,USSF, SPACE X IS HEAVILY INVOLVED with the Chinesegovernment to bring in a digital century. Trump’s Vice President WILL have amajor role in uniting China and U.S. relationship that will lead to BRICS + TRUMPglobal currency trade.

·Planswere underway to bring the Black Communities of the U S. intothe Trump movement and Great Awakening movement and these operations WILL swingup 80% of the Black votes for Trump in 2024.

·Thiswill be insured as the Democratic Party tries to change votinglaws in the U.S. for 2024 and see the full corruption of the DNC.

·Thiswill all connect with the EXPOSURE of CIA propaganda in theblack communities and music industry corruption and exposure of MAINSTREAMSTREAM MEDIA CORRUPTION AND PROPAGANDA OPERATIONS CONNECTED TO DNC, CIA. TheMilitary are positioning a powerful strong Black woman that will lead them toTrump and a powerful Black Great Awaking Movement

·Militaryoperation with USSF and White Hats in the intelligence willshow clear corruption of A I. Systems corrupting the digital voting systems (inthe coming future tribunals COMING IMMINENTLY).

·Microsoftthe #1 corporation in the world will collapse and MUSK ISEXPECTED TO BUY OUT THE COMPANY. Microsoft WILL admit their part in a militarycoup and corruption in compliance with CIA, Darpa.


I. InternationalChild Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of theVatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel thatruns between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·TheU.S. State Department under Secretary of State Hillary Clintonconducted a massive coverup of a child sex trafficking operation. TheMainstream Media tried to debunk the pedophile content in John Podesta’s emailsto Hillary uncovered by Julian Assange in 2016 with Pizza Gate. The mainstreammedia's own reporting linked Hillary Clinton to a pedophile coverup at theState Department in 2013.

·AnotherDisney Employee Arrested, Charged With 32 Counts of Child p*rnography:

·WyomingGovernor Mark Gordon Alerted to Elite Human Hunting Parties in YellowstoneNational Park: The Office of the Governor of the State of Wyoming has been contacted bya former Truth and Taxation judge from Minnesota named Randi Lynn Erickson,regarding an eyewitness to human hunting in Yellowstone National Park, Casper,Wyoming, as well as crimes against children in U.S. Military bases including abase in Colorado.

J.Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human ClonesHoaxes:

·Texas:Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 Vaccineefficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse. GOD BLESS TEXAS!

·Thoselines you see sprayed in the sky every afternoon has beenfound to be the cause of Alzhiemers and Autism. They have been poisoning ussince the 80's. The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmentaldamage, Alzhiemer's and Autism.

·Junkfood alters neural connections in the brain after four weeksof the Matrix Diet, resulting in cognitive decline, also known as "dumbingdown." This is well known, yet many people continue to consume thesefoods.

·“Alzheimer’sis a physician caused disease! It didn’t even occur inpeople over 40 years ago and now it’s the #4 killer of people in the USA overage 65! What is Alzheimer’s disease? It’s the disappearing of your brain’sinsulation, the Myelin! What is Myelin made out of ? It’s made fromCHOLESTEROL!!!

·DNAand the True Cause of Disease, Barbara ONeill: BarbaraO'Neill - DNA and the True Cause of Disease

·WhyYou Should NEVER Drink From Paper/Plastic Cups.These cups contain a variety of harmful substances such as fluoride, lead,cadmium, micro-plastics, and more, which leach into the liquid you're drinking.

·Dr.Scott Jensen: “More than 300 medical journal articleshave disappeared within the last year.” They are trying to cover their tracks.

K.Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells:Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat theflesh and blood of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanicritual. It’s time to say ‘no’ by never purchasing products made with deadbabies again.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 25, 2023 (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.