How to Keep Your Kitten at a Healthy Weight | Yarrah (2024)

A slightly plump kitten is very cute, but extra weight is not always ideal for your pet’s health. Owners should pay attention to the correct average kitten weight to make sure that their pet develops into a healthy adult cat. Here you can find information about the ideal weight of a kitten according to their age and a handy kitten weight chart.

Newborn kitten weight

Average kitten weight at birth is about 90g, but it can range from 80g-110g. Large cat breeds like the Norwegian Forest Cat are obviously a bit bigger and heavier at birth than small cats like a Siamese.

During the first four weeks after birth the kitten drinks mother’s milk. During this time you obviously don’t have to worry about how much to feed a kitten so that they can maintain a healthy kitten weight. The kitten decides when they’ve had enough.

You might have to intervene if you notice that one of the kittens is lagging behind the others. This kitten might be weaker and losing the battle against their stronger brothers or sisters or they could have some other problem that prevents them from suckling effectively.

Once the kittens’ first teeth appear it’s time to start introducing them to solid food. This could be as soon as four weeks after birth, but some kittens take up to six weeks before they are ready for solids.

Kitten weight at 9 weeks of age

During the first few weeks after birth kittens grow very fast. Every morning it seems as though they had a growth spurt overnight. As a benchmark you can assume that a kitten will gain about 100 grams weekly. The average weight of a kitten at 9 weeks will therefore be about 900 grams.

In general, male kittens will be slightly heavier than females, weighing about 1Kg at 9 weeks of age. You can use the following kitten weight chart to monitor your kitten’s weight gain every four weeks.

Week Weigh in grammes
1 100
2 190 - 320
3 290 - 420
4 390 - 520
8 790 - 920
12 1200 - 1300
16 1700
20 2100
24 2500
28 2900
32 3300
36 3700
40 4100
44 4500

You can use either a kitchen scale or a baby scale to keep track of the weight of a kitten. Until your cat is a few months old your own scale won’t be precise enough to measure your kitten’s weight accurately.

Keep a record of your kitten's weight. Weighing them once every four weeks is enough, but you could weigh them every week if you wanted to.

What if a kitten’s weight is not according to schedule

Obviously it would be difficult to create a kitten weight chart which takes every breed and gender into account. You don’t have to panic right away if your kitten’s weight does not follow the schedule provided in the above chart exactly.

There are a few physical observations that could also tell you whether your kitten’s weight is healthy:

  • Your kitten's ribs are not visible, but you can feel them easily
  • If you look at your kitten from above, you can clearly see a waist
  • Your kitten has very little fat around their belly

You need to intervene if your kitten is gaining too much weight, but also if you notice that they are not gaining or even losing weight. This could be a sign of an underlying health problem and a visit to your vet might be a good idea.

Maintaining a healthy kitten weight

For pet owner’s it is much easier to control a dog’s weight than that of their cat. You can take a dog for a longer walk but getting a cat to move more is a challenge. You could encourage more movement by playing an active game with them, like waving a toy cat wand, but if your cat doesn’t feel like playing they will just sit and look at you.

What you can do is to make sure that they are getting the right food. Yarrah's organic Grain-Free cat food is suitable for kittens from as young as 6 weeks. It contains organic chicken, MSC herring, tapioca and peas and has an extra high protein and fat content. This way your kitten gets the nutrition they need to support bone and muscle growth but without too many calories which could lead to weight gain.

How to Keep Your Kitten at a Healthy Weight | Yarrah (2024)


How can I make my kitten healthy and fat? ›

5 Tips to Help Your Kitten Live a Long and Healthy Life
  1. Feed a High-quality Diet. Feed your kitten high-quality food designed to meet nutritional needs during specific stages of her life. ...
  2. Encourage Exercise. ...
  3. Provide Safe, Clean Living Conditions. ...
  4. Schedule Regular Medical and Dental Checkups. ...
  5. Give Them Lots of Affection.

How do you maintain a cat's weight? ›

2. Feed them healthy foods. Aside from exercise, adjusting their diet is another excellent way to encourage them to maintain a healthier weight. If you think your current recipe is more nutritionally-dense than what your cat needs, look for a weight management recipe with controlled fat and protein.

How do you save an underweight kitten? ›

A good strategy to beef up underweight kittens is to feed them small servings of wet food every 3–4 hours. Larger portions can cause diarrhoea, which can be super dangerous for younglings. Keep harmful food and snacks away from your kitten so that a nasty case of food poisoning doesn't mar their development.

How do I tell if my kitten is healthy? ›

A healthy kitten should be able to make age-appropriate movements. Learn about development during the first eight weeks. A healthy kitten will sleep frequently, but should vocalize and lift the head if woken up. If a kitten has severe lethargy or is unable to lift the head, it is an emergency.

Can you save a weak kitten? ›

Can a kitten survive fading kitten syndrome? If the underlying cause can be identified and therapy started early enough, it is possible for a kitten to survive FKS. However, fading kitten syndrome is fatal in most cases, with the largest fatality rate occurring in the first week of life.

What helps a kitten grow? ›

Proper nutrition is critical to the health and development of kittens, regardless of breed, and it directly influences their immune system and body composition. The nutrient density of food and the amount of food fed can mean the difference between optimal growth and maximal growth.

How do I train my kitten well? ›

Use Plenty of Treats
  1. Training before meals. Use the time directly before each meal to work on new behaviors with your kitten. ...
  2. Eliminate distractions. ...
  3. Keep training brief. ...
  4. Be consistent. ...
  5. Tackle one skill at a time. ...
  6. Be patient.
Jul 23, 2023

What can I give a kitten to gain weight? ›

Good quality kitten food is an excellent choice for weight gain in healthy cats. And most cats enjoy eating kitten food. Royal Canin Feline Health nutrition dry cat food for young kittens is nutrient- and calorie-dense and tends to be highly palatable to most cats.

What human food helps cats gain weight? ›

Some human foods that can benefit a cat trying to gain weight include cooked chicken or turkey, cooked eggs, cooked fish (with bones removed), and cooked rice. These foods can provide extra protein, essential fatty acids, and calories to help a cat gain weight.

What wet food is best for kittens? ›

The 10 Best Wet Kitten Foods
  • Fancy Feast Tender Feast Variety Pack Canned Kitten Food, 3-oz, case of 24. ...
  • Sheba Perfect Portions Kitten Variety Pack Chicken Pate & Pate Salmon Wet Cat Food, 2.65-oz can, 12 count. ...
  • Royal Canin Feline Health Nutrition Thin Slices in Gravy Wet Kitten Food, 3-oz can, case of 24.

Why is my cat so skinny but eats a lot? ›

Like weight gain, weight loss is a serious issue in cats. When your cat is losing weight but still eating, there might be an underlying medical problem, particularly hyperthyroidism or diabetes. If your cat is losing weight rapidly or is underweight, consult your veterinarian.

Does wet food help cats lose weight? ›

Compared to dry food, wet food has much more moisture and therefore fewer calories per the same volume of dry food. For pets that need to lose weight, a wet food is usually best because the cat eats a similar volume of food while receiving fewer calories.

Why is my kitten so skinny? ›

There are two main causes for a skinny cat: Either they aren't eating enough, or they're expending more calories than they are taking in. They may not be eating enough due to stress, dental disease, nausea or a host of other reasons.

Where should kittens sleep at night? ›

This means that the best place for a kitten to sleep is a secure spot, sheltered from draughts and warm enough is the best set-up. It is a good idea to have the kitten close to you for the first few nights. Find a cosy place next to your bed and you can even choose a spot up off the floor if possible.

Can kittens be left alone during the day? ›

Leaving a kitten home alone for too long can cause anxiety, stress, and loneliness. Kittens need to be fed more frequently than adult cats do, and they require playtime and socialization. A good rule of thumb is that a kitten under six months of age should not be left alone for more than three to four hours per day.

Do and don'ts of owning a cat? ›

  • Pick up your adult cat by the scruff of their neck. While mother cats often pick up their kittens this way, an adult cat is too heavy for this treatment, and it could result in pain or injury. ...
  • Let your cat chew on string, especially if you're not watching. ...
  • Give your cat access to windows that don't have screens.

What not to do when your cat has kittens? ›

Don't introduce other animals.

Mama cats can be fiercely protective of their young, and may attack an animal who gets too close. Her kittens will also have fragile immune systems and should be quarantined from other animals to protect the health of all.

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