Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (2024)


Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (1)

Thanksgiving is around the corner and if you are new to a whole food plant based lifestyle, this may cause you a pang of anxiety. So I decided to do a roundup of my favorite recipes that are PERFECT for a Thanksgiving dinner. These whole food plant based Thanksgiving recipes are delicious & easy to make, so even your meat-eating relatives might not even notice!!!

Thanksgiving Plant-Based Appetizers

Of course you can start off with some appetizers like salad, olive tray, assorted nuts. If you need some no-oil salad dressings, check these out. (Use code HOLIDAY50%OFF to get it for half price)

But maybe you want to do something a little more for the “first course”. Here are a few options.

Autumn Squash Soup (Panera Bread Copycat)

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (2)

You might want to start off with a nice warm & creamy soup, inspired by Panera Bread. This soup is also known as Butternut Squash Soup and NO ONE will know that it doesn’t have dairy in it. The creamy base is created with coconut milk – use the light version to keep the fat & calorie content down or use the full fat coconut milk for a creamier version. Either way is GREAT! Click here for the Vegan Autumn Squash Soup Recipe.

7 Layer Vegan Bean Dip

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (3)

Perhaps you might want a non-traditional appetizer like a 7 layer bean dip. This whole food plant based appetizer uses a garlic cashew cream to make the “sour cream”. To make it 100% whole food plant based, leave off the vegan shredded cheese. Click here for the 7 Layer Vegan Bean Dip Recipe.

You’ll need WFPB tortilla chips to go along with the 7 layer bean dip and they are so quick & easy to make! Try these No-Oil Chili Lime Baked Tortilla Chips.

Healthy Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (4)

Do you have nacho cheese lovers? Sometimes my family likes to do a non-traditional meal for Thanksgiving or Christmas. We’ve done build your own nachos before and this Nacho Cheese sauce is the BOMB. Click here for the Healthy Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce.

Thanksgiving Plant-Based Main Course Recipes

Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (5)

These adorable little squash are the perfect serving bowl you get to eat! This recipe is packed with protein & flavor. Don’t be afraid – these squash cook fast and are easy to handle. I tell you all about it in the recipe. Click here to try the Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash.

One Pot Creamy Vegan Pumpkin Pasta

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (6)

Here’s another one that no meat eater will complain about. Don’t tell them it’s vegan and they will NEVER know. I even had a reader tell me he just tried this recipe, shared it with his friends and liked it so much it was going to be the main course for Thanksgiving. I thought what a great idea! Click here for One Pot Creamy Vegan Pumpkin Pasta.

Harvest Veggie Loaf

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (7)

For something a little more hearty, then you might want to try this Harvest Veggie Loaf from Monkey and Me Kitchen Adventures. They are one of my favorite whole food plant based bloggers and have lots of delicious recipes. Click here for their Harvest Veggie Loaf.

3 Bean Vegan Chili

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (8)

A nice warm and hearty 3 bean chili is great for a whole food plant based Thanksgiving meal! You can use any beans you’ve got and vary the spices to your liking. Click here for 3 Bean Vegan Chili Recipe.

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Thanksgiving Plant-Based Desserts

No Thanksgiving is complete without dessert and just because you are whole food plant based doesn’t mean you have to miss out!

The GREAT Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (9)

Whole Food Plant Based Pumpkin Pie??? YES! Dreena Burton is another one of my favorite WFPB bloggers and I’m totally making this Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving this year. I don’t host, but will be bringing lots of WFPB goodies…. Click here for Dreena Burton’s Great Vegan Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (10)

These little puppies are only 100 calories each and completely whole food plant based and YUM! No guilt dessert? Yes, thanks! Click here for Vegan Pumpkin Spice Muffins Recipe.

Lentil Peanut Butter Cookies

Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (11)

These are my favorite dessert and my meat-eating friends love them too! They are always devoured when we have guests over. FYI my version is slightly different than Dr. Fuhrman’s version which this recipe is adapted from. I use more lentils so it is a bigger batch. Click here for the Best Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies.


Easy Whole Food Plant Based Thanksgiving Recipes - Simply Plant Based Kitchen (2024)


What are examples of plant-based meals? ›

41 Easy Plant-Based Recipes You'll Make Again and Again
  • Green Bean Pasta with Cashew Pesto. ...
  • Thai Rice Salad Bowls. ...
  • Tex-Mex Pita Pizzas. ...
  • Chickpea Flour Pizza Crust (Gluten-Free), Plus Topping Ideas. ...
  • Sneaky Chickpea Burgers. ...
  • Lentil Vegetable Soup. ...
  • Kale Arrabbiata-Stuffed Spaghetti Squash. ...
  • Hearty Vegan Red Bean Chili.
Oct 31, 2022

Does Whole Foods have plant-based meals? ›

For breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are irresistible options to explore. Our picks: 365 by Whole Foods Market Meatless Traditional Plant-Based Burgers. 365 by Whole Foods Market Meatless Plant-Based Meatballs.

Can you eat eggs on a plant-based diet? ›

In other words, plants were paired with protein sources, like eggs, to make a nutritious and well rounded meal. Eggs can and should be part of a plant-based diet, and these five suggestions showcase how easy it is to incorporate the incredible egg into your plant-forward dishes.

What are 5 plant-based foods? ›

Leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, squash, bell peppers, cucumbers…the more, the merrier! Whole grains: many whole grains are a vital source of protein and fiber.

What foods should I avoid on a plant-based whole food diet? ›

It encourages eating little to no processed food and discourages the use of oil and salt. This means that vegan meat and cheese, bread, ice cream, cookies, candy, snacks, and frozen meals are not allowed.

Is peanut butter allowed on whole food plant-based diet? ›

A plant-based eating pattern that includes peanuts, peanut butter, and other peanut products every day is in sync with these national recommendations; this pattern is also aligned with the way we look at foods now.

What are the downsides of a whole food plant-based diet? ›

Cons of a Plant-Based Diet

Potential Nutrient Deficiencies: Vegetarian and vegan diets need to pay extra attention to ensure they're getting enough protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B12 in their diets.

What are the most common plant-based foods? ›

List of Whole-Food, Plant-Based Foods
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, squash, and peas.
  • Fruits such as berries, apples, grapes, oranges, peaches, figs, bananas, and kiwi.
  • Whole grains such as oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, and rice.
  • Legumes such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils.

What are the 30 plant-based foods? ›

What could 30 plant points look like?
  • Green beans.
  • Beetroot.
  • Rocket.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Courgettes.
  • Carrots.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Red pepper.
Mar 3, 2023

Can you eat pasta on a plant-based diet? ›

You can eat true 100 percent whole-grain cereals, pasta, and bread and follow a WFPB diet, but you also need to be careful and read labels closely. Foods labeled as multi-grain, made with whole grain and 100 percent wheat are not pure 100 percent whole-grain foods.

Can you eat chicken on a plant-based diet? ›

There are a lot of great plant-based protein sources, including tofu, lentils, beans, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and quinoa. Don't forget: Dairy, eggs, beef, poultry, and fish are allowed on the plant-based diet, they just shouldn't be the center of the meal.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.