Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (2024)

Easy to make oatmeal cookie bars filled with gooey caramel and oozing chocolate, these carmelitas bars will make you weak to your knees!
Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (1)

My notebook is filled with recipe ideas. My mind never stops thinking about new irresistible desserts or how I can put a twist on old ones.

Sometimes I try a recipe and, even if I decide to blog about it, it may take me weeks until I get to share it with you. (remember theseblueberry pie cheesecake bars I made in may and shared the recipe in august). Some of the recipes, no matter how amazing they turn out, they keep getting pushedtowards the end of my list and I never get around to actually blog about them.

And there are some recipes that need to be shared right away! That’s the case of these caramel chocolate oatmeal bars (also known as carmelitas)! I could not wait to share them with you! If only you lived closer to actually come over for some tasting! Pure heaven!

Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (2)

This was the first time I made carmelitas. Actually it wasthe first time I had a carmelitas! But I’ve seen so many recipes for these amazing oatmeal bars filled with oozing caramel and melting chocolate I knew even if this is not the original recipe, they are bound to turn out amazing!

And they sure did! Soft, chewy and oh so gooey! Andsweet. And rich and dense! It’s best if you cut them in small bars. As much as I love sweets, two of these carmelitas are a little too much to eat in one sitting.

Well, ifyou think about it, only good things can come from melted butter, brown sugar, cream, caramel and chocolate! All my favorites in one gooey sticky bar!Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (3)

If you’re still craving chocolate after trying these carmelitas, I’m sure you’ll find something else at this year’s chocolate party to satisfy your desires!

Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (4)

How to participate in the Chocolate Party

1. {mandatory} Make one or more of your favorite chocolaterecipe(s) and share with us for a chance to win one of the 4 great prizes offered by our sponsors. You can also add recipes that have been previously shared on your blog. (5 recipes maximum).

If you do not have a blog, just email me roxana(at)roxanagreengirl(dot)com your recipe with your own photo (it can be a photo snapped with yourphone, as long as it is your photo) and I will create a page with your recipe.

2. {mandatory} Once your recipe is published, add your link to the widget at the bottom of this post. On October 1st, 4 winners will be chosen at random from all therecipessubmitted.

3. {mandatory} To be eligible to win one of the amazing prizes offered by our generous sponsors you must add the following in your post :

Bring your favoritechocolate dessert toRoxana’s home baking #chocolatepartyand win amazing prizes fromImperial Sugar®,Gold Medal Flour®,Safest Choice™ Pasteurized EggsandKitchenAid®

4. {optional} Add the party logo (or any of the collages in this post) to your blog post or sidebar. Or both!

5. {optional} Use the widget below to spread the word and keep up with our sponsors’ social media updates.

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Carmelitas – caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe

Yields 24 bars

Easy to make oatmeal cookie bars filled with gooey caramel and oozing chocolate, these carmelitas bars will make you weak to your knees!

15 minPrep Time

23 minCook Time

3 hrTotal Time

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  1. Heat the oven to 350F. Line a 13x9 inch baking pan with parchment paper , leaving about 1 inch of paper hanging on the sides. Set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, oats, brown sugar, soda, and salt. Stir in the melted butter and mix until crumbly.
  3. Press 2/3 of the mixture on the bottom of the prepared pan. Sprinkle with the chopped pecans and chocolate (both the chips and chopped one) over the crust.
  4. In a small saucepan, combine caramels and heavy cream. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until melted and smooth.
  5. Pour the caramel in the pan, over the chocolate and pecans.
  6. Crumble the reserved oatmeal cookie dough over the caramel layer.
  7. Bake for 23 minutes or until light golden brown.
  8. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack.
  9. Once cooled cut into bars.
  10. Optional, melt both the remaining caramels and chocolate chips and drizzle over the bars.



Roxana Yawgel All images and content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank you.

**Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase an item from Amazon usingthe affiliate link, Roxana’s Home Bakingreceives a small commission. Your purchases support Roxana’s Home Baking and help me bring this blog to you week after week. I appreciate it! **

Let’s get this party started!!!

** Disclaimer: The prizes for this year’s chocolate party (open to US residents only) are sponsored byImperial Sugar®,Gold Medal Flour®,Safest Choice™ Pasteurized EggsandKitchenAid®. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Thankyoufor supporting the brands that help me bring this blog to you week after week. I appreciate it! **

Carmelitas - caramel chocolate oatmeal bars recipe (2024)
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